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We have X-ray with high-frequency low radiation digital radiography.

X-ray imaging produces pictures of the inside of your body. These pictures show various body parts in different shades of black and white. It happens because different tissues absorb different levels of radiation. Since bones have calcium and they absorb X-rays the most, bones appear white in an X-ray image. Soft tissues, such as fat, absorb less X-rays, so they look grey. Lungs appear black because the air in the lungs absorbs the least X-rays. X-rays are commonly used for detecting fractures, pneumonia, and cancer.

You may need to wear a lead apron to protect some parts of your body when you have an X-ray. The radiation released during an X-ray is very less.


X-rays are standard procedures, so you won’t be required to take special steps to prepare for one. However, you should wear loose, comfortable clothing in which it is easy for you to move around. You may be asked to wear a gown provided by the facility and remove jewelry or metallic items from the body.

Sometimes, you may be asked to take a contrast material before your X-ray. This will help improve the quality of the images. The contrast dye may contain barium or iodine compounds. You can take contrast dye in different ways, such as by drinking it, getting injected with it, or getting it as an enema before the test.

You should inform your doctor if you have metal implants from previous surgeries as they can obstruct the production of a clear image.

In case your gastrointestinal tract is being X-rayed, you may be required to fast for some time before the test. You may also be required to avoid or limit drinking certain liquids. You may be prescribed medication to empty your bowels.


When you are ready, the X-ray technician will ask you to position your body in a particular way that creates clear images. You may be required to lie, sit, or stand in different positions during the test. Images may be taken while you stand in front of a specialized plate that possesses X-ray sensors or film. Sometimes you may be asked to lie on a specialized plate and a large camera attached to a steel arm will be moved over your body to take X-ray images.

It is extremely important to remain still when the images are being taken. This will allow the technician to capture the clearest images possible. The test is considered over when your radiologist confirms that he/she is satisfied with the images.

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